Day 455...Year 2

I realized something kind of important tonight... Even when we stop believing in ourselves, there is always someone there that doesn't stop believing in us... It may be a parent, a sibling, a best friend, a teacher, a co-worker, a boss, a spouse... They never stop praying for you, never stop dreaming for you, never stop believing in you no matter what...

It's pretty powerful to think that and even more powerful to believe and except it... I am sure there are some that say that it isn't true, but I tell you it is... Even people that spend their lives alone separated from everyone, still have someone that believes in them... God believes in each and everyone of us... He knows our hearts and our minds even if we don't except ourselves or Him... He doesn't care where we come from or where we have been... All He cares is that we come to Him...

He loves each and every one of us... Black, white, Asian, Jewish, Gay, Straight, Believer, Non-Believer... He loves us all the same... With arms opened wide He waits for us to come...

Love, peace and He has Risen...


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