Day 432...Year 2

What a day... We are in day 5 of the cleanse and today I had all kinds of naughty foods thrown my way, like danish at our morning training meeting and then Hot Dogs, Krispy Kreme Donuts and Sodas at the afternoon fair we had at work... But I saw the greater goal at the end and simply replied with no thank you...

To make the day even better, I ran into my little black rain cloud... This is that person in your life that whenever you see them you can't feel any happiness around you... This person is close to the person I am back filling for at Typhoon and instead of being supportive of my TA, they like to remind me that my role is only temporary and he will be coming back...

On my way home I heard something pretty interesting that made me realize why this person is the way they are... As long as I have known this person, I have never heard them apologize for anything they have done wrong, but others including myself have apologized to them... When you hold things in like that because you don't want to look wrong or like the bad guy, you end up burying those feelings and they start to fester and grow... Shame and guilt can be just as trying on us as anger and selfishness...

So the next time I am with this person, I am not going to leave any doors open for them to put those negative words out there...

Love, peace and when you have wronged someone, own up to it...


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