Day 430...Year 2

I completed my final day of in costume Food and Beverage training and I am ready to officially take over as the COT... I can't say enough how much I love my new role, I hope this is where I am meant to be, but if not, God has a place for me...

Day 3 of the cleanse and we are starting to feel tired but we have been told this is common because our body is working on cleaning out the toxins and we have been encouraged to keep it up, we only have 6 more days... I know we can do this, even if the only thing we get from it, is a new appreciation for healthier alternatives to meals and snacks, then we have already done remarkable...

For some people they can just eat healthier and exercise.... for some they have to measure and track what they are eating, for some they have their meals delivered to their door, and for me, I have to be told exactly what I should eat and that is it... There is no one size fits all way of getting healthy, the idea is to find the way the works for you...

Love, peace and no one size fits all...


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