Day 452...Year 2

Today, more specifically this afternoon, was my most stressful day since coming to Typhoon... It's funny because on the way out I was going through everything from today and thinking how I am going to handle it tomorrow when one of the leaders from the park past me and he said, "So I guess it's the best time of the day."

Now normal people are like, yep I am going home... But we all know I am not normal... I turned and said, "yeah I guess, but I'm excited to because I get to come back tomorrow!" I know, Disney magic, (vomit face)...

Even on my worst days, I still get to the end of the day and get excited to come back the next day...

The crazy things that happen are usually out of our control, so you kind of have to say, it is what it is and let tomorrow bring what it will bring... and it really doesn't hurt if you have a bag of peanut butter M&M's at home and a couple hours of Doctor Who ready to watch on the DVR...

Love, peace and bring it on...


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