Day 649...Year 2 #RememberingCory

Tonight the TV show Glee memorialized Finn Hudson, who had been played by actor Cory Montieth, until his death this summer...

I was a beautiful tribute to the character of Finn... The music was incredibly heart wrenching and I'm sure I am not alone when I say that I cried from the moment Mercedes' music began until the screen went to black at the end of the episode...

I admire the writers of Glee for how they handled his passing, by not putting a name to it's cause; despite everyone knowing the actual cause of Cory's death... I know the cast were following their scripts, but I believe their emotions were true...

The one thing I wish they would have played was a montage of Finn's character, perhaps with "Don't Stop Believing" as the background music... That was the song that started it all for the show and I believe it is the one everyone that is a fan remembers the most...

This show allowed us as fans, a true opportunity to mourn Cory's passing and a chance to say goodbye to Finn...

The PSA at the end was very respectful and a wonderful way to reach out to possible viewers that may be suffering just like Cory... I pray that those individuals seek help and finally get freedom from their addictions...

Remembering Cory

Find Treatment

As tonight's episode showed, we all grieve differently, but remembering, honoring and celebrating your loved ones life, helps you to live yours... Don't let someone else's death stop you from living... They wouldn't want that for you...



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