Day 437...Year 2

Today marked the official end to the cleanse and I feel like I have learned quite a bit, but I know there is still much to learn... I finally got to have chicken tonight and it was delicious... Now we just have to keep moving forward and not back...

With all that being said, I have to mention something that I was disappointed about and that is they announced the winners of the Walt Disney Legacy Award and I didn't get it. Of course their is always a little disappointment when people have said they nominated you and then you didn't get it but then something truly magical happened this week... I received a envelope from a dear friend of mine and inside was the nomination she had submitted for me for Legacy... You don't know truly how someone views you until you read it in their own words... It brought tears to my eyes... I have heard people tell me how great I am with guests and that I am a good trainer but to read those sentiments made my heart swell... That meant more to me to hear from a fellow trainer and friend just how she sees me and the difference I have made for her by just being me...

Would it be nice to win the Legacy Award? Um, duh... But seeing her words really touched me and I will cherish that letter forever... It also reminded me why I do what I do... It isn't for the recognition, it's seeing the happiness in others, that's why I spread the magic...

Love, peace and spread your own magic...


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