Day 442...Year 2

Proving I can do it... That is what I am facing the next two weeks... I am the only COT in the office at TL... This is my opportunity to show them that they chose the right person for this TA... It was crazy but the first day went good... I have a list of things to accomplish tomorrow and I plan to get them all done AND take a real lunch break...

BFF jokingly told me this weekend that he couldn't tell if I liked my new job or not, and if there is truly any question the answer is yes... I don't know if this is where I will end up or if there is another place for me, but being a COT is what I love to do... I have gotten positive feedback from a big chunk of my cast and from my leader as well... I think leaving Epcot has allowed me to truly be me and not try and change myself to fit into what others want me to be...

In the end, being yourself is what is truly important... Be confident in yourself and your abilities and things will happen... Some may think I had this role handed to me, but I have had to put myself out there and step out of my comfort zone... Now I have never been happier since moving than I am right now...

Love, peace and be yourself...


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