Day 439...Year 2

What a crazy week I have had... Running here and there for work and doing a little home decorating and working on my PartyLite business... I finally got a little free time to hang with the BFF tonight... Not sure what we really wanted to do, just knowing we haven't hung out in almost two weeks we went to Downtown Disney, soon to be Disney Springs and stopped by the AMC to see what's playing... Mych to our shock and horror, the price per ticket was about $11 per person and that is without 3-D... So we decided to forgo the theater and decided to walk down towards the Market Place and see what could be found...

Little did we know they started celebrating St. Patty's Day early, so we joined in the festivities donning the green beads given to us by a lovely cast member that shared my name, except she clearly didn't know how to spell it because hers had a "y" at the end.... Then we meandered through the crowds down towards the Irish Pub where stilt walkers and Irish Dancers were performing... When the dancers finished their set we journeyed on over to the amphitheater where a group of kids from Ontario were dancing...  They were performing traditional Philippines' dances, which was something neither of us had ever seen...It was fun...

The longer we were there the colder it became and so we decided to head out in search of the car... As we walked we both decided we wanted something to eat... He suggested Ice Cream, I giggled and said OK, but my heart just wasn't really in it...
He asked, "what do you want? An Apple?
I said, "no."
He said, "Ice Cream?"
 I said, "No."
I said, "OK."
Then he said, "Is there something you really want?"
And then his world was shaken with 4 simple words...
"I want a salad."
He had the look of shock on his face. He told me he never thought he would hear those words come out of my mouth and to be perfectly honest, I was a little shocked myself...

We went on to talk about the 10 day cleanse a little and he asked if I was having any cravings... I really am not... I might get a taste for something, but if it is something I really should avoid like Ice Cream, I usually can get the thought out pretty quickly by asking myself if I am really truly hungry or am I just thirsty? Then I may drink some water. So little by little I am making changes...

Love, peace and making changes...


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