Day 445...Year 2

What a day... I am officially tired... Started at the Lagoon at 7am and then finished off the night with my first PartyLite Show!!!

I have been through a range of emotions today... This morning I was calm and determined, this afternoon, I was silently overwhelmed but on the outside I was in control... Then tonight I was somewhere between excited, nervous and unprepared.... But I would do it all again...

Beside an amazing first show, I had many people at work today tell me how much they enjoy having me at Typhoon and they hope I get to stay... One sweet man actually told me that he loved my energy and sense of humor... It's funny because growing up, so people used to ask me if I took my batteries out at night to recharge them, because they couldn't believe the energy I had, now someone is telling me how much they love the energy I put forth... It made me smile and I felt extremely flattered...

Love, peace and let's do it again...

My PartyLite Page


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