Every Bite, Every Morsel - Day 20 #JoinMyJourney

A new day is here and the sun rose and the birds sang and I managed get outside and enjoy the day... We went to a local Blueberry farm and picked fresh blueberries, infact we picked over 9 pounds of them... So I guess my blogging/venting really helped me last night because that wasn't all I did today... I came home and napped afterward... LOL  OK that really isn't any different than most of my weekends but when I got up I wasn'twearing my pajamas... wait a minute... it's not what you think... I wasn't wearing them when I layed down for the nap to start with... Nope, not sounding any better... OK, rewind... What is "normal" around my home is go out for Friday errands and when we come home it out of regular clothes and into pajamas... Well today, I left my regular clothes on and when the nap was over it was up and out the door for groceries and then when we returned home it wasn't into PJs and straight to the couch... Nope, I can hardly believe it myself, but I actually went out and helped do some work in the yard... 

Honestly, I am not sure who I am at this moment or if I am dreaming but I acctually put my laundry in the machine and then grabbed the weed wacker and went out to the yard and started working for a good half hour... Then when all was said and done outside, I came inside and made us breakfast for dinner... We had gluten free blueberry pancakes made with FRESH handpicked blueberries... They were outstanding!

Now as I sit here typing away and look back at the day, I hope I can have many more days like this... Where at the end of the day, I am tired, but good tired and my tummy is full from good healthy things... And my mind is feeling somewhat at peace... 

There are still things going on that I must face, but if I take them a moment at a time, I think it will be that much easier...  If I look at each issue like I take on picking blueberries, I think things will go much better... I know I have your attention... When you reach in to pick from a blueberry bush you have to be very mindful, you don't just rush in and grab everything all at once like when they cut off bundles of grapes... With blueberries you have to pay attention to the color... On one single stem, even in a bundle of  blueberries their can be many berries in various stages of ripening... You could have a blossom that has yet to develop a berry, a white/green one, a green and redish one, a red/blue one or if you get it just right, a deep blue one...  You want to try and pick the darker berries, because like the saying goes, "The darker the berry the sweeter the juice." 

So, if I pay attention to each problem and choose to handle them in the right order and in the right way, I won't get over zealous and end up with a hand full of sour berries... Now is this a fool proof plan? No, because I am only human and even I grab an off color sour berry now and then, but I know right away when I do because I get a bad taste in my mouth and it shows me that I need to change my behavior and be more careful or more mindful when I get off track... 

Before now, no do overs like before, no starting over, we just keep moving forward from where we are... And hope that we learn from our past mistakes or atleast take something with us along the way that will remind us not to repeat those past errors...



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