Day 397...Year 2

No one knows what it is like to be you, but you... When you battle something like trying to lose weight, you are bombarded from all sides with "help." The thing is, even though we are all made from the same stuff, atoms, cells, blood, bones, muscles, etc... We aren't all wired the same way... If we were we would be boring... So, since we are all wired differently, what works for me, may not work for you and vice versa...

The reason I hate the word diet, is that, first it starts with the word die.... Enough said on that.... The other reason is because the minute you tell anyone that you are on a diet, they immediately feel it is their responsibility to point out your food intake indiscretions... They also give you unsolicited advice on exercise and vitamins and supplements...

As someone who has battled her weight since the third grade, I beg you, please STOP!!!  If I want your help or advice I will ask you, but just do me a favor, just be my friend and if you notice my body is starting to change for the good... TELL ME!!! Don't be afraid to ask if I have lost weight, because when you do, it makes me know someone is seeing a change even if I can't... I might feel a change in my clothes but even I may not see it yet...

Also, if you offer me something to eat or drink and I say no thank you, please do not respond with, "What? Are you on a diet? My parents raised me to have manners, so it may be that I don't find what you are offering to be appetizing, but it also might mean that I AM monitoring what I eat and I don't want to share it with the world...

And finally... If I do share with you that I am trying to cut back on things and trying to lose weight, don't try and make decisions for me... If I choose to eat something that you deem unacceptable, that is your opinion... And please don't make comments like, you don't need that and you can't possibly be hungry still... I am listening to my own body and I know what it wants and when it wants it so please respect my decisions...

Love, peace and respect my decisions...


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