Day 394...Year 2

Breaking up is hard to do... I have learned a huge lesson today about giving up sweets and other naughty things like Discovery Diner size orders of french fries... When you are having a rough day, they are not to be consumed for comfort...

Thankfully, despite the handful of mini Oreos and the huge amount of fries I consumed as a pre-lunch treat, when I tracked everything on I was within all of my daily limits... I don't know if I have ever achieved that... Usually I have too low on calories or too high on fats but I was perfect on everything and yes I even counted the ketchup and mayonnaise I ate with the fries...

Baby steps... The fat didn't get there over night, so why do we think it will fall off that way, that it will simply just disappear...

The next time I am feeling over emotional, like this morning, and my mind starts "craving" a naughty food, I need to get up and walk some where, or start writing or reading, but not caving in... Sorry emotional eating, but I am breaking off this relationship... It's not me, it's you...

Love, peace and we are breaking up...


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