Day 393...Year 2

Giving up is never easy... There are so many outside influences that try and drag you back, the biggest one being yourself... Two weeks ago I decided that I needed to start cutting out the extra sugar, soda, sweet tea, chocolate, etc.... I can't say I have been 100% because I would be lying, but I have done pretty well...

It's crazy because I can definitely tell I was consuming too much added sugar because I feel slight changes in my body every now and then... I'm not feeling hungry as quickly as before in between meals and I am realizing that there are other sweet things to eat instead of the processed sugars... Mom got me freeze dried fruit, not the dried stuff at the grocery, they have added sugars... I have been mixing it in with my cereal and making my own trail mix for a quick snack...

I'm not saying if I have or haven't lost any weight but I am feeling more energized and I am planning on competing in the Jingle Jungle 5K and the Happy Haunted 5K this fall... Yep... TWO 5K's.... I just have to stay focused on me and my health this year...

Well, I need to be heading to bed and start my next goal and that is in bed by 10:30 and I am already 3 minutes late!!!

Love, peace and I give up....


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