Day 368...Year 2

So, today wasn't very successful on the diet track but normal standards, but I did manage to go Coke and Coffee free today... So that in itself was a gold star in my book...

Am I going to perfect every day?


Will I have perfect days?

It would be nice...

I loved seeing most of my co-workers back to work today and hearing how many of them are starting a new diet... Why is it that we all wait until the New Year, to "try again" at losing weight?... I think it's because we all see the change in the year as a new start... I'm not saying there is anything wrong with it, I am doing it myself, but maybe the focus shouldn't be so much on, "I can't east this" or "I have to eliminate" that, as it should be I want to make better choices so I can be healthier...

I learned a pretty important lesson today about indulgence and I wish I would have taken it heart right away instead of over indulging as I did... As a thank you for the work our team did in Germany over the past week, the area gave us a tray of Cookies and treats covered in Caramel.... We divided it up for our Core team and then broke the remaining treats into smaller pieces to share with our Merch COT team... As we were doing this our Boss said, "It's better to give them just a taste, they really don't need to whole thing. With that small taste they will be satisfied." This also brought to mind something BFF's Mom told me once. She said, "think about when you eat a delicious dessert... We indulge in those first bites but then we continue eating it without any thought, except maybe that we need to finish it..."

We need to forget everything we are taught as children about cleaning our plates... We want to eat slowly, enjoying the food we are eating, tasting every bite and only eating until we are satisfied... When we race through our meal we miss out enjoying the food that is nourishing us and many times we end up eating things we don't really even enjoy...

Love, peace and really taste your food... Musicsongbird


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