Day 381...Year 2

Well, I guess I didn't do so good at listening today... I made it to work... for 15 whole minutes before I went home... I went to the doctor and found out I have a virus, thankfully not the flu, and in order to go back to work I must be fever free for 24 hours, so tomorrow I will be home again...

I had a talk with my Mom was finally honest about a few things with her and I realized something new... When you aren't honest with the ones you love, you aren't being honest with yourself... I have felt like there has been a wall between my Mom and I for awhile because I wasn't being totally honest with her and now I feel like the wall has been knocked down... It's like I huffed and puffed and blew it down...

You know what they say, the truth shall set you free...

Love, peace and truth...


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