Day 379...Yr 2

Being sick is no fun, especially when you can't pin point what the sickness is... From what I can tell I am pretty sure it's the flu... Even though I had a flu shot, I can still get it just not as severe... So, I slept from around 11pm last night, until 7am this morning. Was up long enough to call in to work and then fell back to sleep until around noon. I was up about an hour and then I went back to sleep until around 5... I am warm and still my tummy is feeling fuzzy... Don't you just wish when you were feeling bad that you could just throw up and get it over with... Which reminds me of a story...

Comedian Mark Lowry, talks about growing up in a southern Baptist home and how going to church was a must in his home. So if one of the kids would go to their dad on Sunday morning and say they were sick, he would say, "Throw up and prove it." Then once they threw up he would say, "Don't you feel better? Now let's go to church." Well, I can tell you it sure would help explain what is wrong with me if I did...

I have to say, I am pretty blessed to have a great Mom to take care of me... 

Love, peace and wish I felt better...


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