Day 392...Year 2

When I came home today there was a box on the table waiting for me... I haven't ordered anything and when I looked at the address it wasn't anything I recognized, so I grabbed the scissor and opened it up... Inside I pulled out a Stella Artois Beer Glass... I got it for free online and had forgotten about it until I opened the box... It's kind of funny that in came today because this morning I was talking with my co-workers about how I should blog tonight about how to get free stuff online and with your smart phone... So I guess I will... :)
I have been getting free stuff online from them since around 1996... I can't remember how I found my favorite rewards site but I have gotten so many different types of gift cards from it over the years that I have lost track just how many.... Wal-Mart, Target, I-Tunes, Subway, Red Lobster, Rain Forest Cafe, Game Stop and that is just a few... This site is so easy for shoppers and non-shoppers alike... You get email and survey offers sent to you daily and if you aren't into the shopping part, most of their emails have a 5 point deal for just visiting the partner site through the link... They also have an option to clip grocery coupons and earn points for redeeming them... When you accumulate enough points it is usually only 2-3 weeks before you get your gift card in the mail...
Referral Code for Mypoints:

I have two different search engines I go to because I can earn points through both and then of course the points add up to free stuff... I use SwagBucks the most because I feel like I get more points through it and it uses Google Search as it's partner... You don't get Bucks with every search but I will say the more you search the more the chance of getting points and it isn't usually 1 or 2 it's 8 or 27 or more... I like this one because I can redeem for cash through Paypal, but they also do physical rewards (clothes, books, etc) not just gift cards... I have it set up on my computer as my default search engine...
Referral code:

The other search engine is of course Bing... For every 2 searches you earn 1 point, up to 30 searches per day... It's a little confining with it's points and they don't have a ton for rewards but if you like Starbucks or Amazon then this is the one for you...
Referral Code:

If you drink Coca Cola Products then you should be using MyCokeRewards or if you love the NFL, join NFL Fan Rewards on the page...

Here are a few more referral links for other sites I use for shopping or surveys...   Referred by: SAYLOVE13

I have a few others I do online but I am getting rid of them because it either takes along time to earn points for redemption or it takes forever to actually get your reward... Mom submitted her redemption to in September and still hasn't received her $25 Target Gift Card...

So happy free free stuff and there will be stuff about earning free stuff with your smart phone soon!!!

Love, peace and love the free...


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