Day 374...Year 2

It's interesting to see what I wrote about a year ago and see how it has affected me now... The topic was about learning something new each day... Not doing the same thing over and over... Even though we are creatures of habit, same breakfast each morning, same general parking area each morning, for some the same lunch each day, etc. etc... We can still step out and try new things from time to time... I think this is why I enjoy my job, because for me, it's not the same thing over and over... Each day is different... The cast and guests I deal with changes each day... Just like my blog changes each day...
So, to tie this all together in a neat little bow, I too have felt a little change today... A change in me... I felt a little spark of joy that I haven't felt in awhile... I'm not saying that I haven't been happy but there is a difference between happiness and joy, at least they way I feel it... So what happened today that caused me joy?
I am a singer... For as long back as I can remember I have sang, until the past year or so... BFF likes to sing me songs in the car, real and made up... When he asks me to sing to him, I just laugh and change the subject... I haven't felt like I have had a song in my heart for awhile... I used to crank up the radio on the way to and from work, singing at the top of my lungs with all of my heart and soul and now I just kind of hum along... That is until this evening on the way home...
When I got in the car, a song I use to love to sing was playing on the radio and I began to sing along... Not like hum but really sing, like I was leading the worship service at church, kind of singing... Then when the song ended I flipped on my CD player in hopes I would have more music to sing along with... I pressed disc two and held my breath, hoping it wouldn't be Christmas tunes and the beginning notes of my favorite, Sandy Patty, rang out through the speakers... Well, honey I had me a worship service and it felt good...
Sometimes in life, we get so wrapped up in the sameness of our daily living that we stop doing things that we love to do... Whether it's singing, or crafting, building things or cooking, gardening or even exercising... We start to lose our passion, that little spark of joy that makes us who we are...
Love, peace and find your joy...


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