Day 377...Year 2

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind...

These were words that changed the world... We had put a man on the moon... Now, I am not saying my race to the losing line is going to be that huge of a deal to the world, but it will be in my world...

Tonight at dinner with Mom and BFF, I ordered a yummy dish and when the waitress came up she asked if I thought I was going to kill my dish. (It means finish) I replied with a hearty, Yup, I'm gonna kill it... But as she walked away, BFF turned to me and asked me an important question... "But aren't you going to have cheesecake?" I replied quickly that I was but as I started to continue to eat my meal I realized that I had stopped paying attention to how my body was feeling and was focusing on all of the poor children in Africa that don't have food if I didn't clean my plate... Now this is silly for two reasons....

The first is that no matter if I eat everything on my plate or not, their will still be children, not only in Africa, but everywhere all over the world that are starving....And second, my parents NEVER threatened me like that when I was young...

I eat because I can... Pure and simple... The food is there, so I eat it... I didn't get fat over night, it took years of trying... I know I can't lose it all over night; well not without major painful surgery, but I am going to much more mindful when I am eating...

Love, peace and leading the losers...


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