Day 367... Year 2

I can only blame the circumstances from my childhood to a point... Now that I have gotten therapy and I have faced my past, it is up to me to change my future... Because of my past it caused me to use food to mask the pain... It has caused me to treat food as a comfort... When I eat I don't have to face the pain, because the food is my friend... I don't want to forget what my plan is for 2013... This blog is called Skinny Girl in a Fat Girl's body... Well it's time to finally release the skinny girl within... In the past year I have tried so many tricks and programs to lose weight and all I have lost is the money either Mom or myself, put into it...

Now it is time to truly take what I have learned from all of the diets; Weight Watchers, 30/30/40, South Beach, The Blood Type Diet and the life coach, and finally do it Skinny Girl Style...

All I can do is take it one day at a time... Does that mean I am going to be perfect everyday? Never have sweets again, never indulge again? Absolutely NOT!!! When we focus on always being perfect we set ourselves up to fail... When we fall short we disappoint ourselves and then we give up...

I learned an important lesson over this past year... I set my mind to writing my blog everyday and guess what? I accomplished it... Even on the nights I was too tired that I just wanted to close my eyes and go to sleep, I made the time and that is what I have to do to lose the weight and get healthier... Make the time, focus on me and do what I have to do to make it happen... I can't rely on anyone else to do it for me...

Some people can't believe I would share my life like this, but as I have said before, I don't share everything... I will however share the triumphs and the challenges...

Love, peace and Happy 2nd Year!!! Musicsongbird


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