Day 372...Year 2

It is incredible how the body reacts when you are emotionally unloading... I'm not really sure how to even explain this... My acupuncturist will now be referred to as Pin Doc... As my Pin Doc explained it, I had to purge the memories and thus purging the emotions and then the physical toll the ordeal played on my body... At least this is how I am understanding it... It's like our bodies have emotional memory of trauma and when we face that trauma to remove the pain of it's memory, our body can also react by purging the memory as well, so in my case... I was sick to my stomach over night... I woke up around 6:30 to try and get ready for work, I took my shower and tried to eat to test my stomach and when 7 hit I knew I wasn't going to make it in, so I called out... I then returned to bed to wake up again around 10:30... My head was pounding with a migraine so I took some medicine and transferred out to the love seat. When Mom came home from church she made me lunch and then I fell back to sleep and woke up again at 3, feeling refreshed and well again...

The Pin Doc has been texting me every day to see how things are going for me and I told her what I had been through since the previous night and she text back and said that this was not unusual and rest was the best thing I could do for my body...

For some it may be hard to grasp all of this... But if you only knew my whole story you would understand... God doesn't work just one way for every person... Because we have free will, we are all guided in a different way... What works for me, may not work for you but when you get a chance to know my story and see all of what I have been through, you will see God's hand in it every step of the way...

Love, peace and finding healing...


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