Day 386...Year 2

I love my job and I can't imagine doing anything different... Today reaffirmed the previous statement for me...  As my co-core and I were walking through the park, we were approached by a couple in need of medical attention... I didn't think twice, I immediately went into action... Finding a place for the guest to sit comfortably while we waited for help to arrive.... I asked what I deemed to be the important questions to gain information for the 911 operator and then I quickly, without panicking made the call for help... Once I was able to reassure the guest that help was on it's way, we waited and spoke to the different leaders that approached to assist and relayed the information of what had transpired... When the paramedics arrived we assisted in keeping guests at bay and then when they took the guest to get more medical attention, the leaders thanked us for our assistance and sent us to continue with our day...

I think that was the hardest part, not getting to know what the outcome was... I have been involved in many many 911 calls in the past 5 years, but this one has truly impressed upon me how important my training was for handling these types of situations...When my co-core and I talked about it afterwards, we both said we were glad we were there to assist and we couldn't imagined what would have happened if we hadn't been there to help... I know someone would have helped but it may not have had the same end result...

Most people think my job is to train new cast and make magic for our Guests and that is true, but my other job is to listen and to assist in any way that I can and that is what I need to remind myself... It's funny because as I just reread that last statement I realized, that it's all of our jobs to be good stewards to others... So very often people ask for help and can come up with any reason in the world to ignore them... Let's start a movement of being good helpers to our fellow man...

Love, peace and lend a helping hand...


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