Day 388...Year 2

Oh what a night... I wasn't sure how my first closing shift in months was going to be, but I had a blast... Despite three dizzy spells, I managed to assist my trainee in making magic for many guests and then making some magic for ourselves as well...

For almost an hour, my trainee drove a mini monorail with Perry the Platypus riding on top, around under spaceship earth, with a trail of Mickey stickers following behind... On the front was a little sign reading "Please take 1 sticker." We had little kids laughing and squealing with delight, along with some adults trying to figure out just which of us was truly driving the monorail... At one point we had a couple of little boys and their light sabers, running around telling Perry to go forward and stop, which he would magically obey...  The younger of the two was wearing Oswald the Rabbit ears, so when the time came that I needed to ask him a question I called out to him as Oswald... Now most kids don't think about what hat they are wearing usually and will generally ignore you, but not this kid... He quickly replied with the answer as if Oswald was his actual name... This went on until the boys parents came out of the store to leave... When one of the girls told him what the boys had been up to, they laughed and thanked us for spending so much time with them...

When my trainee and I were walking out tonight she turned to me and said how much she loved that I was happy all of the time... She said she had so much fun and was really glad to be in the area... I made my heart happy... This is why I do what I do...

I realize now that when people ask me where I have been for the past few months, I kind of get a negative tone about losing my TA, even though I have no hard feelings against the person that replaced me... I need to let it go and move forward because another role is out there for me, it's just not my time yet... I need to put those feelings aside and enjoy the journey I am on right now...

Love, peace and enjoy the journey...


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