Day 484...Year 2

Once upon a time there was a little girl that struggled with her weight and she became a teenage girl that struggled even more... Then she was in her 20's and her size went up and down to match her emotions and now she is at the end of her 30's and she is still not happy with her size...

Tonight I found myself sitting in front of the TV stuffing my fave with pita chips, not even realizing I was doing it until Mom said something... I think that the depression is rearing it's ugly head and I am just not caring right now... I am on a new Happy pill and I am hoping that it will help me like the doctor says once it gets in my system... Sometimes the hardest thing you can do is ask for help, especially when it comes to depression... It took me a long time to begin with when I asked to be put on meds those few years ago, but it's even harder to admit that those pills need a little more help...

The one thing I must remember is that there is no shame in having depression... I have a chemical imbalance and the medicine helps balance me...

love, peace and no shame...


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