Day 483...Year 2

Oh what a day... Woke up to the sound of a crashing ladder in the kitchen... When I got up to check on it, I gracefully stepped into a pile of cat poop...I turned on my bed room light to find additional cat poop on my comforter... Then I saw Mom was up... She had cat poop on her bed, nightgown, both pillows and her socks got it too... One of the sweet babies was sick... So I stripped by bed, started laundry and sat down to start my day...

After the laundry was done, I traipsed back to bed and slept until noon... Once I was awake and dressed, Mom and I set out on an adventure... No real plan, just time together enjoying the day...

We didn't get home until almost 9:00 pm.... We ended the evening with dinner and the newest installment of Doctor Who...

Love, peace and lovely day...

Still time to get Mom a brilliant Mother's Day gift!


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