Day 467...Year 2

With all the sleeping in I did today I am now awake late... But thankfully I can sleep in a little tomorrow as well...

So our sweet neighbors are getting ready to migrate North for the Summer and in an act that has now become a tradition, they filled our fridge with the items they can't take back with them on the airplane... So now we have all kinds of goodies we don't normally buy... Yum!

Well, just when I thought my day was winding down, we had a little excitement and all while Mom and Gabriel were fast asleep...

A Palmetto Bug (giant flying roach) found it's way into the house and had eluded us earlier... It finally reared it's nasty ugly head and started scurrying around the living room... Well, Peanut discovered it first and hearing all the commotion, Joshie and Cricket came running... Even though she is the tiniest, our brave little warrior Joshie swooped in and grabbed the ugly beast... She ran into the kitchen and in kitten fashion began playing with it... She would hold it in her mouth and then when she felt like it she would drop it and let it run a little and then trap it in her jaws once again and run to the other room... When myself or her sisters tried to intervene the tiny one let forth a fierce growl... I'm sure if the roach had pants, it would have pooped them several times... After about 15 minutes of chasing Joshie through the house, I got her to release the roach and I grabbed and squished it in a paper towel...

The kittens were all properly rewarded with treats all around and then Joshie received a dose of penicillin... That poor thing has enough problems digesting canned food let along parts of a roach... But I definitely can rest easy knowing the house is safe from creepy crawlers...

Love, peace and my own little Orkin Army...


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