Day 479...Year 2

When did it become a challenge to say please and thank you? When we were kids we were expected to say thank you and to even *gasp* write Thank you notes!!!!

 Now those sweet notes of thanks have become a thing of the past... Well, I have decided that I am going to bring the thank you note back in style... I will admit that I haven't always been the best about sending thank you notes... But that is going to change...

I remember at Christmas when we would open a present we were expected to write what we got on the back of the gift tag so that we could thank the person for what they gave us... Same thing with birthday cards or graduation etc...

I guess thank you cards have gone the way of hand written letters... Now everyone sends emails and texts and sadly sometimes not even those...

I am a firm believer that if someone takes the time to think about you enough to give you a gift, you should think about them enough to show your thanks for it...

Love, peace and thank you for reading...

Burn while you earn...


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