Day 472...Year

So I wasn't quite sure what to write about my day, other than the fact that I work with some of the greatest people there are and I love what I do, until I saw this posted on one of my Co-worker/new friend's FB page...

I have been relatively good with what I have been eating but I have bailed out on the most important element towards weight-loss... Making your Fat Cry...

In the past I was very active despite the fat and now it just seems like every night I come home, I check my email and stuff, I make dinner and eat or Mom has dinner ready and we eat, then I sit behind the computer playing stupid games on FB, I blog and then I go to bed...

I need to rethink and then recommit to myself what is important... Eating healthy is great but if you aren't getting out and moving, then nothing much has changed... Just the menu really...

Love, peace and make it cry...

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