Day 474...Year 2

Sometimes it takes years to realize that you aren't happy with your life, that you don't feel like you are where you are supposed to be... Thankfully, I don't feel that way at all... I feel like I am right where I am meant to be... I feel peace, I don't wake up dreading a new day at work... In fact, I quite enjoy it... Today I am extra in love with it because I am extended until May 18th at Typhoon... It makes me feel good when I tell my cast, trainers, coordinators and leaders and all of their responses are extremely positive...

One of my friends has had many jobs in her adult life and this past year she made a life changing decision that would not only effect her but it also would effect her husband and two boys... She decided to go back to school and try her hand at becoming a hairdresser... This would mean being away from home 5 days a week during the day and that money would be tight... Well, while others in her class struggled she excelled... Every up date I heard was her completing each level with precision and excellence... She thought she would probably end up working in a barber shop, but to her amazement she was offered a position with one of the top salons in her area...

I just shows me that with perseverance and patients your dreams are possible... And many times we will exceed our own expectations and dreams...

Love, peace and exceed your own expectations...

Go light your world


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