Day 638...Year 2

Another great day spending time with my Mom... Her 70th Birthday is tomorrow and I love that I have been able to celebrate with her over the course of this last month... This morning at church was especially sweet because she hates when people know it's her birthday and each week the pastor always asks who's birthdays are in the coming week... Well, Mom certainly wasn't going to raise her hand so I did the very adult thing and started pointing over her head to get the pastor' attention... When the pastor announced to the congregation that it was her birthday her reaction was to sweet for words... She had the biggest smile on her face and not a shed of embarrassment was showing...

I love these little moments when I see pure joy in her face... It makes me feel so good to see her so happy...

I am very thankful that Mom decided to retire and move down here with me and I am thankful I get to celebrate her...



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