Day 614...Year 2

What a day...

You know it's just going to be an interesting day when you go to get out of bed and an 800 pound creature is laying on your legs and to make matters worse the comforter is wrapped around your legs, so just trying to wriggle free from the creature is next to impossible... And then after about 5 or 6 attempts to wake the beast holding you captive, they open their sweet kitty cat eyes and demurely look at you as if in shock and say, "Oh! Am I in your way?"  Then she will stretch and take her typical extended time removing herself from your legs so you can get yourself free from the constraints of the comforter...

If that were all that happened, then this would be a VERY boring entry... After getting ready for work, I was running ahead of time, which meant I would have plenty of time to stop for breakfast and gas at Wawa... Or so I thought... When I went to get my purse and car keys, I noticed the car keys were MIA... I frantically dug through my purse, then when they weren't found I went to my dresser and began moving things around in hopes the keys were there... From that point, I quietly scampered into Mom's room and popped into her bathroom to see if maybe she had used them and accidentally put them in her purse... Nope...

Finally I surrendered to the fact that my keys were officially missing and so I grabbed my spare and headed to work... Upon arriving I decided to look through my purse once again and wouldn't you know, they were in the pocket I rarely use... I know I checked it, but I must not have dug deep enough...

The morning continued without any major issues, except when I had to go into the cove and ask very loudly for the cast to be quiet because we were having a hard time hearing ourselves think, let alone work... Then not 2 minutes later they started up again, but that is when the specialist stepped in and put the fear of God in them all... Our hero...

I had a fun lunch with the entire COT Team including my boss... Then we returned to work to finish the day off... Only one crying moment today, but I fear there are a few more of those tears to come before I say my "See Ya Real Soon" on Thursday afternoon...



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