Day 622...Year 2

I won Magic Backstage, which is a Cast Member give away that you sign up for... I wont the chance to be a part of the My Magic + ticket tests, which BFF did too but not until the next day after I found out and his was for Epcot, but we had already made surprise reservations for lunch at the Crystal Palace so that Mom could eat with her favorite Disney character, Winnie the Pooh!!!
The picture pretty much says it all... She loved it and BFF and I loved the ham as well ;)
We rode some rides so we could test the Fast Pass system with the My Magic + enabled park tickets, which was extremely fun... BFF and I were able to go on Splash Mountain for the first time in I don't know how long and it was so fun, and we got so wet, but we laughed and we waved from the top of the Brier Patch so Mom could wave back as we raced down the hill...
Besides our Big lunch surprise for Mom, I think my other favorite part was seeing her face light up as she rode Dumbo for the first time ever... I could here her laughing as she tool Dumbo up and down in his journey through the sky...
All evening since we left the park and even since we have gotten home, she still gets a gleam in her eyes and a cute little grin saying what a fantastic time she had today...
and so did we...
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