Day 631...Year 2

New / Old work location, but new mindset on how I need to live... How I need to treat myself and my body... I am tired of the struggles and tired of just being tired... I need to make my mind up and not turn back...

The struggle comes into play when things get labeled... It gets harder when people start to notice changes because if you mess up than they are quick to point that out, but not necessarily to your face... Oh no, it would be rude of them to say that you have fallen off the wagon to your face, but they will say it behind your back... I know because I am the pot calling the kettle... And I am ashamed... I have no room to talk to put down someone else's battle... I should be encouraging them not enabling them...

Something I still need to work on and do better at is excepting a compliment when it is given... I still struggle with this... I need to learn to say thank you and not ignore them or blow it off... Sometimes others see things we don't and we should thank them for noticing...



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