Day 637...Year 2

I guess I can mark one more thing off of my bucket list... 

Giving yourself a bloody nose... CHECK!

So of course there is a story to go with this, however I feel like the biggest dork... So this morning I woke up with the onset of  one of my fantastic migraines... So I took allergy meds and drank a bunch of water in the hopes it was just from hunger or the ever changing weather forecast... Mom and I did some running around getting groceries and stuff and upon returning my head wasn't any better...

I then decided it was time to try the netty pot... After flushing out my sinuses I started to feel better, but I figured I should finish it all off with a sinus spray...I sprayed the one nostril and just as I was about to spray the second, my fingers slid off the sides of the bottle and I crammed the sprayer up my nose which caused my first ever honest to goodness nose bleeds...

I quickly grabbed tissues and put my head back and Mom grabbed me an ice pack... Within minutes the bleeding had stopped and my nose was back to normal again... Plus I am breathing much better and my migraine is gone...



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