Day 609...Year 2

I had a HUGE emotional breakthrough last night... I was able to get freedom from some hurt and pain I have been holding onto for over 30 years...Thank you BFF for being open and willing to help me through this and not ignoring the situation last night... Thank you for reminding me once again that I am not at fault and that I am a survivor...

I wish everyone could show love and compassion for each other in the way BFF did for me... 

It upsets me so much when I hear that someone is passing judgement on someone else all in the name of Jesus... I am a Christian and I am not a biblical scholar but I also know enough Bible to know that we are to go out and spread the gospel and demonstrate God's love and forgiveness to others...  Not tear down and criticize them... If you act that way in front of a non-christian, how are you reflecting Christ to them?

When you criticize me because I have tattoos...
When you criticize me for being an unwed mother...
When you criticize me for not going to the "right" church...
When you criticize me for loving whom I love...
When you criticize me for being me...

What does that say about you???

Does it make me want to hear you?
Does it make me want to follow your beliefs?
Does it make me want to worship like you?

No, it just turns me farther away...

Ye without sin, cast the first stone...



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