Day 608...Year 2

Some nights I just sit and think about how different my life would be if I hadn't done one thing or another... If I had chosen not to speak to one person and spoken to another...

As I sit here tonight I wonder what would have happened had I gone to the Magnet school in St. Louis instead of where I went... Would I be performing somewhere on stage, maybe even Disney... Would I still be friends with all of my friends? Some I wouldn't have met, had I not gone...

It's funny because I haven't thought about that school in probably 25 years... It's almost like it was a dream, like it never really happened... I used to say I wanted to go to Webster University because when I walked into the music building it reminded me of the show Fame, but in reality I believe I wanted to go there because it was my opportunity to do music like I imagined I would have had I gone to the Magnet School...

I know we aren't supposed to focus on the past and what could have been, but there are times like right now, that I wonder how my life would be different...



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