Day 585...Year 2

I love when you post something on social media and people you don't remember from Eve come out of the wood works and put their opinion on your page and when you respond to your original post, they threaten to delete you as a "friend."

Guess what... If you were really a friend than you wouldn't make such infantile threats... If you have to threaten to "unfriend" me, than clearly you never really were a true friend...

It is crazy how social media can bring long lost friends together and in the same time tear people apart... Crazy...

On a more positive note, things are going great for me emotionally... I know I made the right decision... In the past week I have noticed a lot of difference in my mental and physical self... I don't find myself yawning like I was all the time, I am actually able to have an emotional moment and mentally talk my self through it, telling myself that it's OK to feel upset, but once I have gotten the feelings out, it is done... I don't need to hang on to those feelings... It's OK to let go...

I am on my way to healing...


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