Day 607...Year 2

So the cat is out of the bag...I have officially announced that I am moving from Typhoon back to Epcot... I have finally become a Status Coordinator of Training... Basically there is no more waiting on extensions, I am permanent... I will be supporting Norway and Germany Food and Beverage Training...

I am definitely excited because I will be learning totally new things once again... Table Service... Plus I will be the COT in charge of the trainers for my most favorite bakery at Epcot!!! Sorry France, my heart belongs to Norway!

So this is a crazy story all about a girl that started on a journey on September 30, 2012... She began her Journey as a TA in a magical realm known as World Showcase East... She traveled from Tower to Tower, all the way from Norway to Mexico and back again... She fought tirelessly to when back the hearts of the people and when she did, the new King arrived and took over the happy kingdom and the TA went into a slumber...

One bright morning, February 24, 2013, the TA was awaken by the echos of sadness from a far away land... She sailed to a place that was ravaged by a terrible storm, and there she dropped anchor taking up residency in a tiny shack... There she lived with 2 friends she met along the way... One a beautiful water creature and the other a tiny minion, that mostly fed on grapes and lemon aide).  For many many days and nights the TA worked with her friends relentlessly to keep the sea town safe... Until one day the minion was tricked into taking an unlikely journey to a far away place to guard a gate to a sprawling metropolis... In his place a mysterious quiet woman took his place.... But all was well on the island...

Then one day a message arrived in a bottle for the TA, beckoning her home... Norway was needing her assistance and Germany as well, but her heart was torn and she didn't know what to do... But a voice called to her at night... Not a loud booming voice, but a still small one, saying 3 simple words... Trust in Me... And so she did... For many days she waited, 6 of them in fact and on the morning of that sixth day, she heard a voice from the past call to her and tell her to come home... It said there will be no more waiting, you need to come home to us and your name will be TA no more...



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