Day 581...Year 2

What an incredible night of worship... Mom and I drove to Brandon just outside of Tampa to see Sandi Patty and Natalie Grant perform together for the first time and it was spectacular...

Their music and stories were so moving... Sandi brought me to tears when she performed, "We Shall Behold Him." Then Natalie sang my new favorite song, "Hurricane" and it was just incredible...

The night was topped when Mom convinced me to go back into the building following the concert to talk to Sandi in person... I have met her before so I didn't need anything for her to autograph.... I just wanted to let her know how much her music meant to me... So I got in line and waited... A few minutes later Mom joined me, opened her walker and handed me Sandi's Cookbook... I was very excited and so now I had something for her to sign...

When it was my turn, I sent Mom up and got her picture with Sandi and then I went over, got my book signed and she did personalize it...

The night was great and now I am home and thoroughly exhausted and still fighting a headache... So I am signing off so I can head to bed and hopefully sleep this headache away...



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