Day 582...Year 2

Today was a day to heal... I woke up with a migraine and knew that I needed rest... 

I am down to taking my morning meds every 2 days and soon it will be every three and than four and than I will be done... And I am finally feeling again... And it feels fantastic...

I can honestly say, I was happy to wake up with swollen eyes and a headache, part from crying part from the weather and allergies...  I felt like I got a ton of emotions out last night and some inner turmoil as well...

I spoke about the song "Hurricane" last night and how it has spoken volumes to me since hearing it a few weeks ago... So very often when we are going through hard times we pray for God to take away the hurt and pain and we feel like nothing has happened... But in the midst of all of our struggles, Jesus isn't watching from the outside He is there with us every step of the way...

I now believe I am another step closer to a healthier me...



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