
Showing posts from April, 2013

Day 486...Year 2

I am not giving up...   I am better than that... I know depression will rear it's ugly head and try and convince me that I can't accomplish things but I know God is in control and through Him I can do anything... As far as the PartyLite goes, I am not going to back away from a challenge... It's not going to be easy, but I know I have the knowledge and the likability that someone will want to earn free stuff and have a party with me. :) I realized some things today and they are things I will work on for me... Things that have fallen by the wayside lately... I have let me fall by the wayside and that has to stop... I have made so much progress toward and happier me, that I can't skimp on the healthier me... I need to be all in on this just like I was on the mental health and unlocking the mysteries of my past... Love, peace and all in... Musicsongbird Go light your world...

Day 485...Year 2

I have really been struggling with whether or not I should have decided to sell PartyLite... I love the products but the problem is I am already two months in and I feel like I have asked everyone to host parties for me and no one is responding... I keep being pushed off and I feel like I am spinning into what I went through with Pampered Chef and Stampin Up... The good thing is that it really hasn't cost me much money, on the other hand Mom has bought product at a few shows now... I just need a break, a few friends to host online shows... They don't even have to be friends... They can be family or friends of family... These candles are fantastic and they are good quality... They burn beautifully and there is rarely any wax left after burning... I think that is part of the reason I had a mini melt down tonight... We thought with this happy pill I wouldn't be able to cry, but I guess we were wrong... Don't get me wrong, I have had a few really good shows so far b...

Day 484...Year 2

Once upon a time there was a little girl that struggled with her weight and she became a teenage girl that struggled even more... Then she was in her 20's and her size went up and down to match her emotions and now she is at the end of her 30's and she is still not happy with her size... Tonight I found myself sitting in front of the TV stuffing my fave with pita chips, not even realizing I was doing it until Mom said something... I think that the depression is rearing it's ugly head and I am just not caring right now... I am on a new Happy pill and I am hoping that it will help me like the doctor says once it gets in my system... Sometimes the hardest thing you can do is ask for help, especially when it comes to depression... It took me a long time to begin with when I asked to be put on meds those few years ago, but it's even harder to admit that those pills need a little more help... The one thing I must remember is that there is no shame in having depression... ...

Day 483...Year 2

Oh what a day... Woke up to the sound of a crashing ladder in the kitchen... When I got up to check on it, I gracefully stepped into a pile of cat poop...I turned on my bed room light to find additional cat poop on my comforter... Then I saw Mom was up... She had cat poop on her bed, nightgown, both pillows and her socks got it too... One of the sweet babies was sick... So I stripped by bed, started laundry and sat down to start my day... After the laundry was done, I traipsed back to bed and slept until noon... Once I was awake and dressed, Mom and I set out on an adventure... No real plan, just time together enjoying the day... We didn't get home until almost 9:00 pm.... We ended the evening with dinner and the newest installment of Doctor Who... Love, peace and lovely day... Musicsongbird Still time to get Mom a brilliant Mother's Day gift!

Day 482...Year 2

I have won in the search for a swim suit!!! Thank you BFF for being so diligent... Thank you Mom for helping me out so I can get back in the pool... I didn't gain the weigh in a day so it is going to continue to take Baby Steps... It took time and years of practice to get where I am now and it will take some time to get where I need to be... When I start to get down on myself, I will remember to stop, listen to what I am saying and stop the bad behavior... I will not give up... I feel like I say it every week but I can't give up... I can't worry about what I did today or yesterday, all I can do is worry about what I am doing at this very moment... Love, peace and step away from the honey bun... Musicsongbird

Day 481...Year 2

What a great evening... I got to hang out with four of my favorite ladies in the world and enjoy some yummy snacks and drinks and laugh and get caught up... Sometimes it's just nice to sit and chat and be silly... I think most of us get so wrapped up in our daily lives that we end up not only losing ourselves but losing out on great opportunities with friends... I have many people that have come in and gone out of my life, but I think I can say with confidence that the ladies that were here tonight and a couple friends that couldn't make it, are going to be part of my life and I in theirs, for a long time... Love, peace and cheers! Musicsongbird Still time for great Mother's Day gifts!

Day 480...Year 2

Each day I fall a little bit more in love with my cast and co-workers at the water park... I feel so loved and appreciated and I pray it's God's will that I stay, but if it isn't in His plan, I know he has something even better for me, but in the mean time I am going to enjoy the time I am there...The great thing is that even if I leave I have made so many new friends... :) I know that I am so thankful for my Training Family at Epcot for preparing me for this role and encouraging me to pursue this job... I love making a difference in my locations training... I love getting to meet all of the new cast, not only in my locations but in the park as a whole... I love walking through the park both onstage and off and people saying hello and smiling and having a good time... I have to admit it's kind of nice to be a little bit bigger fish in a smaller pond... So I am going to take the advice of Crush and "Focus Dude..." and of Dory and "Just Keep Swimming......

Day 479...Year 2

When did it become a challenge to say please and thank you? When we were kids we were expected to say thank you and to even *gasp* write Thank you notes!!!!  Now those sweet notes of thanks have become a thing of the past... Well, I have decided that I am going to bring the thank you note back in style... I will admit that I haven't always been the best about sending thank you notes... But that is going to change... I remember at Christmas when we would open a present we were expected to write what we got on the back of the gift tag so that we could thank the person for what they gave us... Same thing with birthday cards or graduation etc... I guess thank you cards have gone the way of hand written letters... Now everyone sends emails and texts and sadly sometimes not even those... I am a firm believer that if someone takes the time to think about you enough to give you a gift, you should think about them enough to show your thanks for it... Love, peace and thank you for ...

Day 478...Year 2

I have been saving a Target gift card since Christmas in the hopes of redoing my bathroom, since the kitten pretty much shredded my shower curtain last fall... Well, after months of searching I have ended using the gift card to purchase a new charger for my cell phone... It's not the same as getting a new bathroom, but at least my phone can be used in case of an emergency... Maybe I'm not going to find my shower curtain at Target, but I did need this cord... And I do still have some of the gift card left... I think a part me was afraid the person that gave me the card would be disappointed that I didn't use it for the bathroom, but then it's a gift and I believe they gave me the card because they knew it was something I would use... Whether it was for a new bath set or emergency groceries, it wasn't going to go to waste... Love, peace and it's truly the thought... Musicsongbird Light a candle...

Day 477...Year 2

What's really holding me back... This past week at the acupuncturist something was holding me back, not allowing me to feel release... Now as I am watching of all things Hallmark movie, it is talking about things holding people back from their dreams and I am starting to wonder what it is that is truly holding me back... For so long I thought it was what happened to me as a child that has held me back, but I think it's the fear of failure, the fear of disappointment, the fear of being alone... What's holding me back is Fear and it's time to stop being afraid... God has brought me to this place to see me live and not have my fears lead me to death... Emotional Death not actual death... I have to remember to keep living towards my dreams and not let fear get the best of me... Love, peace and no more fear... Musicsongbird Go light your world...

Day 476...Year 2

It feels so good to finish cleaning the outside of the house... It has been a 3 week ordeal but it is finished for another year... I love finishing a project and being proud of what I accomplished... We need to remember that feeling when we take on projects... Like my weight-loss project... There are so many times that I feel like giving up and not caring anymore and then I have days like today where I finish a tedious task and can look back and realize it wasn't so hard or tedious to accomplish... So I will continue my travels toward a healthier me... Love, peace and keep going... Musicsongbird

Day 475...Year 2

I battled in my mind about what I was going to write about, first it was about the amazing time I had with Mom and BFF today... Then it was the fact that we can all sleep better knowing that the 2nd suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing was caught.... Now it's.... WHY DO CLOTHES DESIGNERS THINK THAT ALL PLUS SIZE GIRLS CAN WEAR THE SAME STYLES AS SKINNY BUTT GIRLS.... You would think finding a plain swimsuit would be easy... But NOOOO!!!!!! This year they have decided that this is the year of the halter... Two straps tied together at the back of the next... Now some plus size gals may be able to pull this look off, but if you have a larger chest size this is not going to be beneficial to the girls... We do not need a wardrobe malfunction... It's hard enough to prance around on the beach or at the pool or water park in a swim suit, but the last thing I need is to be worrying if the girls are going to stay put or suddenly decide they need more sunlight... So after vi...

Day 474...Year 2

Sometimes it takes years to realize that you aren't happy with your life, that you don't feel like you are where you are supposed to be... Thankfully, I don't feel that way at all... I feel like I am right where I am meant to be... I feel peace, I don't wake up dreading a new day at work... In fact, I quite enjoy it... Today I am extra in love with it because I am extended until May 18th at Typhoon... It makes me feel good when I tell my cast, trainers, coordinators and leaders and all of their responses are extremely positive... One of my friends has had many jobs in her adult life and this past year she made a life changing decision that would not only effect her but it also would effect her husband and two boys... She decided to go back to school and try her hand at becoming a hairdresser... This would mean being away from home 5 days a week during the day and that money would be tight... Well, while others in her class struggled she excelled... Every up date I hea...

Day 473...Year 2

Well, I didn't spend the entire night on the computer so that is good! I also did something I should have done for awhile... Mom and I sat down and went through my closet... I tried on almost everything and I kept a bit but it felt good to let go... Sometimes you just need to clean out the stuff you don't use or wear anymore, especially if they don't fit... For a long time I held onto clothes thinking, when I get thinner or when I lose weight, I will wear them... Yeah right... IF and when that happens am I really going to wear those outdated outfits??? They are going to go to people who can wear them now... Since Earth Day is next week, I am recycling.... Love, peace and recycle... Musicsongbird Love candles? Visit my website for amazing offers!

Day 472...Year

So I wasn't quite sure what to write about my day, other than the fact that I work with some of the greatest people there are and I love what I do, until I saw this posted on one of my Co-worker/new friend's FB page... I have been relatively good with what I have been eating but I have bailed out on the most important element towards weight-loss... Making your Fat Cry... In the past I was very active despite the fat and now it just seems like every night I come home, I check my email and stuff, I make dinner and eat or Mom has dinner ready and we eat, then I sit behind the computer playing stupid games on FB, I blog and then I go to bed... I need to rethink and then recommit to myself what is important... Eating healthy is great but if you aren't getting out and moving, then nothing much has changed... Just the menu really... Love, peace and make it cry... Musicsongbird If you love great candles then visit my other site at:

Day 471...Year 2

Another tragedy occurred again today... Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims of the Boston Marathon Bombing today... We pray for those that are healing and those that were there... It's sad that there are people in this world that feel it necessary to go to these extremes... That they have so much hate in their lives that they need to kill and hurt others... love, peace and don't lose faith... Musicsongbird

Day 470...Year 2

I love that I am feeling better and can breathe again but now I am feeling sick to my tummy and the weather insanity is making my head hurt... The yawns are coming quickly and that means my body will win... I will be heading to a sleep filled slumber... Love, peace and nighty, night... Musicsongbird

Day 469...Year 2

Finally feeling better... Can breathe out of both sides of my nose and the coughing is at a minimum... It's so nice to breathe normally... It's amazing how we take things like breathing for granted... On a lighter note... Don't you just love when you finish a project?  Mom and I have been hard at work the past few weekends on a project outside, that may or may not have ended up with a few minor injuries to my hand... It looks great and I am still so proud that we did it on our own and it all came from Mom's imagination... So I am off to Neverland... To dream up new and amazing things... Love, peace and never stop dreaming... Musicsongbird

Day 468...Year 2

What a great day... Despite my continuous coughing and stuffed up nose, I had a magical time... Breakfast with Mom and BFF, then off on a shopping adventure, a trip to Neverland and then Under the Sea... Finishing it all at an Irish Pub, it was all worth it... Sometimes the best days are the ones you don't plan and you just let happen... Love, peace and I have a cold in my nose...achoo... Musicsongbird

Day 467...Year 2

With all the sleeping in I did today I am now awake late... But thankfully I can sleep in a little tomorrow as well... So our sweet neighbors are getting ready to migrate North for the Summer and in an act that has now become a tradition, they filled our fridge with the items they can't take back with them on the airplane... So now we have all kinds of goodies we don't normally buy... Yum! Well, just when I thought my day was winding down, we had a little excitement and all while Mom and Gabriel were fast asleep... A Palmetto Bug (giant flying roach) found it's way into the house and had eluded us earlier... It finally reared it's nasty ugly head and started scurrying around the living room... Well, Peanut discovered it first and hearing all the commotion, Joshie and Cricket came running... Even though she is the tiniest, our brave little warrior Joshie swooped in and grabbed the ugly beast... She ran into the kitchen and in kitten fashion began playing with it......

Day 466 - Year 2

Even though I am not feeling well, magic happened to me in the sweetest way... Growing up I remember sitting in the backseat doing the pull the horn sign to truck drivers or competing with my friends to see who could get more drivers to wave back... Today on the way home I was stopped at a stop light when I noticed something in my peripheral vision... I turned my head to see a little boy in the car next to me waving... So I waved back... He giggled and continued to wave back and so I waved back... His older sister was on the other side and he told her I waved back and so she started waving... I then grabbed my name tag and held it up showing them I work for Mickey... They both began giggling and continuing to wave.... The game went on for another 30 seconds when their Dad realized what they were doing and so he turned and made the motion that his kids were crazy... I rolled down the window and he again repeated that the kids were crazy... I laughed and said no crazier than I am.....

Day 465...Year 2

I just want to feel better. I went to the acupuncturist and my body did some crazy stuff... And I felt better but now everything is starting to stuff up again... So I think it's my body's way of telling me to get to bed... No wit or wisdom, just a note to say, when you are feeling sick listen to your body and get some rest... Love, peace and rest... Musicsongbird

Day 464...Year 2

There is nothing worse than getting a cold when it's nice out... So I will find rest and lots of fluids... until tomorrow... Musicsongbird

Day 463 - Year 2

Cost Of Living 1962 How Much things cost in 1962 Yearly Inflation Rate  USA  1.20%  Yearly Inflation Rate  UK   3.6%  Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average  652  Average Cost of new house  $12,500.00  Average Income per year  $5,556.00  Average monthly rent  $110.00 per month Tuition to Harvard University  $1,520.00 All Wheel Drive Scout off road  $2,150.00 Renault Imported car  $1,395.00  Average Cost of a new car  $3,125.00   Eggs per dozen  32 cents  Gas per Gallon  28 cents  Factory Workers Average Take Home Pay with 3 dependents  $94.87  Popular Culture Beatles Turned Down By Decca Records Release of first Beatles recording: the single "Love Me Do" Andy Warhol's famous painting of a can of soup Beverly Hill Billies is on TV The Dick Van Dyke show on TV Johnny Carson begins as presenter for The Tonight Show Popular Films West Side Story ...

Day 462...Year 2

I just want to say that happily I did not drill through my finger this weekend while using the power drill... However, I did burn my thumb when I touched the masonry drill bit after drilling in the concrete in our driveway... I guess a burn is better than blood any day... It's funny, every time Mom and I take on a project at home we learn a little bit more about ourselves... I never thought I would be doing some of the things I have done over the past few years, but drilling into concrete was not something I thought I would ever do... There is something almost therapeutic about using a power drill and drilling into something as hard and seemingly impenetrable... You put all of yourself behind the drill putting pressure to break through and when you do, it's amazing to realize what you just did... It's kind of like when you are pursuing, what seems to be an impossible dream... When you get to the point where you finally reach that dream, there is an amazing feelin...

Day 461...Year 2

I don't know why it happens but it does... The minute someone notices I have lost some weight, I start to gain it back... It's like I am sabotaging myself... Like in the deepest parts of my mind I don't feel like I should be happy and healthy and so I just start eating badly again... You know the old saying, give them an inch and they will take a mile?  Well, I am kind of that way with what I have deemed the naughty list of foods... Give me a little bit and I will have a lot more... I tell myself, you only need a taste, but that one taste turns into two and then before I know it, whatever I was tasting is gone... It has to stop... I don't want to be a "healthy" obese person... You know, the person with all the good bio-metric numbers but weighs in at obese... I want to be a healthy person over all... I don't have to look like a super skinny super model, I just want to feel good in my skin... Love, peace and not self-destructing... Musicsongbird

Day 460...Year 2

Lately i feel as though I have nothing to say... That I start typing an nonsense is coming out of my fingers... I feel as though I am running out of things to say... I think I already said that... This isn't a ploy to get comments, it's the truth... I'm not threatening to stop writing, I just feel like I have nothing important to say...  Love, peace and nothing... Musicsongbird

Day 459...Year 2

I don't have many pet peeves in my life, but I think the one thing that truly bothers me the most, is that I have family members that even after almost 40 years, they can't spell my name correctly...I know people are used to spelling my name with a y, but this is family, flesh and blood... One my 5th anniversary certificate at work, they spelled my name incorrect... It's funny when people send me emails at work or messages online and my name is spelled out for them but when they go to type me a message, they butcher it... I think that is why I always double check name spellings and pronunciations... If they aren't misspelling my first name they are butchering my last name... It's funny because I have stopped correcting people on my last name, but my first name.... It's different and special and kind of unique, like me :) Love, peace and no "y" just "ee", Musicsongbird

Day 458...Year 2

In the battle of the bulge, Easter has dealt me a terrible blow... I allowed that sneaky rabbit to leave his enchanted candy in my home and now it has been consumed... And what do I have to show for it? A bigger number on the scale... Well, I will show you Mr. Bunny...  I will not get down on myself for indulging and enjoying the treats that were left for me... It is OK to treat yourself now and then, I just can't make a habit out of it... If I do then the 10 day fast would have been for nothing... So, thank you Mr. Bunny for visiting us this year, but next year how about no candy and maybe something I can put to good use... Like a gift card or movie tickets??? Just a thought... Love, peace and it's OK to treat yourself... Musicsongbird

Day 457...Year 2

It's so funny, as I continue my TA I am realizing a lot of things... One of them being, I have lost my fear of going to another location at WDW... I used to be afraid of leaving Epcot, even to just pick up a shift and now I see how much I can learn when I step outside my comfort zone... I have made new friends and become a part of another Disney family... It makes my heart sing when I walk into a location and the cast greet me with smiles and hugs... If it's God's will, I would love to become a permanent member of this team... I ran into another Leader today that I have worked with in the past and they told me, had I not gotten chosen for this TA, they were going to take me... It makes me feel special... Even if this isn't where I am going to stay, I hope that the magic I help provide for my cast is continued, that it is expected... My job is not only to schedule trainers and trainees, but to let my cast know they are appreciated... Love, peace and make them feel ...