Day 339 of 365

Today, I had the opportunity to assist our recognition leader at Epcot, with the packing of the Toys that were donated by the Epcot Cast for Toys for Tots... We counted and boxed up the donations, loaded up the van and took them to the drop off location.... It amazed me to hear that Epcot always has the most donations on property, but it also made me sad to know that with over 60,000 cast members here in Florida, we don't really get a ton of toys...

I think so many people think, toys are expensive, I don't make a ton of money and why should I spend my money on a toy for someone I don't know... OK, I can appreciate people feeling that way, but after counting hundreds of toys today I remembered back to my childhood.... A childhood where a trip to Ben Franklin's got us penny candy and a "cheap toy". Kids don't look for labels, they look for a fun toy that will allow them to use their imagination and when that happens, the sky is the limit...

I was truly inspired by some of the cast of the Norway pavilion food and beverage Team... One of the leaders took a group of their cast to assist in signing up families for Toys for Tots, so it would put faces into their minds... So they know who the toys are going to in the end... The group was so inspired that they began  buying toys right away... I helped count and package at least 300 of the toys they collected.... Amazing.... Many of the toys for lower priced, but again, the cost doesn't matter to a child that won't otherwise have a Christmas...

So during the Christmas season I am challenging my friends and family to make this a better holiday for someone else...

Love, peace and share the Christmas cheer...


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