Day 358 of 365
Once upon there was a little boy visiting a magical land of exotic people and foods... He carried with him a book, not just any book but a special book that allowed him go travel between towns in the Land... As he met new people he learned of their languages and culture and he captured all of this in his special book... Along his travels in all of the excitement, his special book slipped from his grasp and was thought to be lost...
The next morning while out wondering the land, two friends happened along a pile of rubbish in the road... At first glance there was nothing special but hiding in the rubbish they saw something strange... As they looked closer they spotted a well worn book... As they opened it they saw photos and short letters... It was all neatly written and when they flipped to the back they saw a name...Not only a name, but a location and a photo of the owner of the book...
Immediately they followed the pages of the book, traveling everywhere the books owner had traveled in hopes they would catch up and find him... But alas, everywhere they stopped, no one had seen the boy... So they continued on... For days and days the sojourned in hopes they find the true owner of the wonderful book... Just when they believed they could go no further a messenger approached with great haste... In his hand he carried notes from all of the places the friends had traveled in hopes of finding the young boy and then a final note containing the boys location...
The friends grabbed the notes and the magic book and the notes and hurried to the place where they would hopefully be able to reunite the boy with his treasure... When they arrived at the place it was a large cavernous place... The people were strange... Standing behind boxes waiting for others to come speak with them... After a few minutes waiting a middle aged man approached the friends and held out his hand to greet them with a gentle smile... He thanked them for coming and then the friends shared the tale of their adventure looking for the boy... The man was his Father and he thanked the friends graciously and with a slight quiver in his voice... His son was so worried about the book and they were amazed that it was recovered... The friends again shook the mans hand and gave him the book along with the letters detailing the books journey and then they returned to their land in order to complete their journey....
So, this story is exactly how my day went today...
love, peace and live the adventure....

Immediately they followed the pages of the book, traveling everywhere the books owner had traveled in hopes they would catch up and find him... But alas, everywhere they stopped, no one had seen the boy... So they continued on... For days and days the sojourned in hopes they find the true owner of the wonderful book... Just when they believed they could go no further a messenger approached with great haste... In his hand he carried notes from all of the places the friends had traveled in hopes of finding the young boy and then a final note containing the boys location...
The friends grabbed the notes and the magic book and the notes and hurried to the place where they would hopefully be able to reunite the boy with his treasure... When they arrived at the place it was a large cavernous place... The people were strange... Standing behind boxes waiting for others to come speak with them... After a few minutes waiting a middle aged man approached the friends and held out his hand to greet them with a gentle smile... He thanked them for coming and then the friends shared the tale of their adventure looking for the boy... The man was his Father and he thanked the friends graciously and with a slight quiver in his voice... His son was so worried about the book and they were amazed that it was recovered... The friends again shook the mans hand and gave him the book along with the letters detailing the books journey and then they returned to their land in order to complete their journey....
So, this story is exactly how my day went today...
love, peace and live the adventure....
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