Day 355 of 365

Today at the pin cushion appointment I was asked to think about what I want to do for myself next year... I have been battling my weight since I was young and this year was no different... I started off the year wanting to focus on losing weight with this blog and I ended up focusing on my mental and emotional health, which turned out to be quite the journey, but I am now better for it...

So now I must really take the next week to decide what I want for my goals for next year... Not a resolution but a goal, like my blog every day for a year goal... will I make it??? I still have 10 more nights of blogs to write... Only time will tell... and as long as I am talking about the blog, I have to decide if it will continue or if it will end with the old year (2012)...

So one thing I know I need to work on next year is not injuring myself quite so often... Tonight I took Mom down to Celebration to see it Snoap on main street and I dropped her off and then parked way over by the school and had to walk over to find her... Well as I was walking, rather quickly, as not to miss the snoap, my right ankle twisted and I began to fall... I caught myself but in the process wrenched my left leg so now my hip is quite tender on that side... I can't win for losing, but I did get to see it snoap with my Mom...

Love, peace and don't eat yellow snoap...


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