Day 344 of 365

Just two weeks until the Big day is here! Christmas!!!!! And what would be the Christmas holiday season without Epcot's annual Wreath Decorating contest... Last year our Core Team won like 3 out of the 4 categories I would be happy just having people like it... Last year the wreath was made out of recycled gift cards, this year we recycled something else... The only hint I will give is that it has something to do with what our team puts up with a lot of...

Putting together the wreath was fun but I did burn myself while putting it together... Even if we don't win this year, I am glad our team could once again work together to collect the items needed to put this wreath together...

I know I have said it before but it bares repeating... No matter where the road takes the ten of us from the Core team, I know we will always be there for each other, to laugh with and to cry and especially to celebrate!!!!

Love, peace and Recycled Christmas Wreaths...


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