Day 361 of 365

I had the opportunity to work in the Showcase today and did I have a great day or what? I got rained on but it didn't dampen my spirits! I laughed and sang, making up my own version of Beyonce's Single Ladies, called Soggy Ladies... It just felt so good to be alive... I know I have said it before, but I finally feel like I am getting my joy back!!! I am feeling motivated to do more than just sit on the couch and play on Facebook...

Tonight I put my new mini cupcake maker to the test... I made a bunch of mini cupcakes to take to see family tomorrow... I learned a really cool trick from the Mini maker... If you spray the cupcake wrappers with cooking spray before filling them, the wrapper releases perfectly after they have been baked...

I am not completely innocent of staying off FB tonight because I found this hilarious post and it totally reminded myself of me, and not because Tink is on it...

Love, peace and a pocketful of crazy...


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