Day 87 of 365

I have arrived. Guten Nacht! I am in Germany!!! I spent most of day in the back of this quaint shop in the most North Eastern part of Central South Western Germany. I got to know all of the ladies and gentleman that worked the Wine, Christmas, Stein Karamell Kuchen. They were all dressed in their dirndls and lederhosen. The air smelled so sweet, almost like Werthers Caramel. It was fun to watch them hurry by wrapping gifts the travelers had purchased than scurrying back out to hand them over to happy hands.

lol! So yes I was in Germany but of course it was in Epcot. In the past our team would receive moans and groans when we would come in to get cast caught up on e-learning, but now they see how much fun we have when we come and hangout with them. The leaders appreciate that we take the time to keep everyone on top of their needed additional training and we do it quickly and minimize the amount of time their cast is away from the guests.

They are happy when we arrive and can't wait until we return when we have to go. Through all I have been through in this past few months seems like a zillion years ago when I have an day like today. A little kidness and infectious laughter goes along way.

It's like my Disney family is global. One of the cast member said the following with a frown when I left for Italy this afternoon, "So, now I won't see you all again for the next four months?" I smiled and told her, "Don't worry we will come visit sooner than that." I made a new friend!

Love, peace and Karamell Korn!


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