Day 70 of 365

So, don't you love when you have one of those days where you aren't sure what you want to say but you know there is something you need to say? Just really struggling with the weight, feel like I'm not doing awful with the food I am eating but can't seem to lose anything. Wondering if maybe the happiness meds aren't making me feel as happy as they should. Just kind of unsure about a lot of things these days.

I know I should just focus on one thing at a time, one simple change I can make at a time. So, now it needs to be decided what that change should be. I guess it works because I am 70 days in to this blog and actually thinking that on day 366 I will just keep going, Lord willing.

I know what I want to talk about...

I am so proud of my mom. She has been shy for my whole life and about 10 years ago or so, we joined a bible study with a group of ladies. We met weekly, for the most part, and we studied God's word and we all learned to open up to each other, but the one that opened herself up the most was my mom. She started to allow others in, and now 10+ years later she has moved to a different state, to be with me (her favorite), and the thing has impressed me the most is that she walks daily and she has gotten to know our neighbors that she sees along her route each day. For some she stops and picks up their paper and some it's just a friendly wave and a hello. Today she even went and had coffee with the neighbors down the street. I have to admit I was worried about Mom and if she was truly happy here, but I believe God has answered my prayers for her to feel like this place is home.

Love, peace, and who am I kidding, I love things fried in grease!


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