Day 67 of 365

Today was a great way to end my work week and I learned some important things.

First I learned that I wasn't picked to interview for a new position I had applied for, and my bff responded that our company was crazy and that they don't know what they are missing and then he also said that the right job will come along. And you know, he is right. The best job for me will come along.

The second, you really learn what others think about you when you introduce new people you are with to them. Now, I know what you may be thinking, well people can lie but let me explain it this way.
Example 1: A trainer is introducing their new trainee to a manager. The manager has a brief conversation with the trainee and then tells them welcome to the team.
Example 2: A trainer is introducing their new trainee to a manager. The manager has a brief conversation with the trainee and then tells them what capable hands they are in and that they have one of the best trainers training them.

Can you see the difference? Its even better when it's more than one manager or co-worker that is relaying this information to the trainee.

I know I talked about finding a reason to have fun at your job this past week but I am going to take it a step further. Don't just have fun, but fond something that makes you laugh uncontrollably. Whether it's a great movie, or a TV show, or your best friend, or a new friend, or a family member, just find something each day to make you laugh.

Love, peace and stay away from things fried in grease!

For my readers, if you feel the urge to leave a comment, please do. I write for me but I write in hopes that someone else will get something out of this too. Thanks so much for taking a minute or two out of your day and spending it with me on my journey.


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