Day 86 of 365

So we received this flyer in the mail with our car insurance renewal through AARP that we can take this 8 hour online driver safety course and get a discount for the next three years. So, Mom and I both started it tonight and completed the first 2 modules and boy is my head swimming.

For those of you that don't know me or I haven't blogged about it, I am a safety champion  at work. I am one of the Safety class facilitators at work, so I know how to work safely at work and at home but now I am learning to be a safer driver as well. So, as I am going through these first two parts all I keep thinking about is how great this would be to train this class to other cast members on what it means to be a safer driver. What is really funny to me is that when they showed a illustration of a person driving all I could think was, they have them driving in their Red Zone! Those of you fellow CM's know what that means, but for those of you that are Guests, it means that the person driving has their elbows more than 6 inches from their sides. I know, I am such a dork, but I know what is safe and what isn't. ;)

So, I am excited to see what I glean from this driver safety course because AARP claims that after completing this course the average person changes one driving behavior for the better. I am hoping to finally break myself of being on the phone while driving. It's not like I don't remember a time before cell phones, believe I do. I just need to lose my reliance on it while I am driving.

So, maybe you all will stand with me and make a vow to stop using your phone and driving? There is a great application for smart phones called and it will even send the person texting or emailing you a response that you are driving. If you can't handle that, then turn off your phone while you are driving and enjoy the drive.

Love, peace and don't use you r phone and drive


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